Welcome to Norsefire's Marilyn Manson collection site. This collection was started in 2003 and continues to the present, the majority of my collection has been photographed and you can view the photos by clicking on a listed item.
If you have any questions you can email me here, but please note that nothing on here is for sale so please do not ask to buy anything.

Apr 19 2009
EMDM EU & The Beautiful People Promo Vinyl
Two new items have been added into the collection.
The Beautiful People Remix Promo 12" Vinyl
Eat Me, Drink Me EU / German CD Release, this comes with an insert featuring the same artwork as the Heart-Shaped Glasses single and it lists the tour dates for Germany and provides other details for mobile phone Ringtones and wall papers on the reverse side.
Mar 15 2009
Collection Site Finally Online!
I started this site about a year ago, I didn't have the time to work on it for most of that year, just the odd days each month, but finally here it is online.
It is yet to be fully up to date, but the majority of my collection is listed on here, check back for updates in the future.
Nothing on here is for sale, please do not ask me about buying anything on the site.
If you have a question about any of my items then send me an email and I will do my best to answer it as quickly as possible.
- Norsefire

Marilyn Manson

Marilyn Manson Collections

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